by Judy Garrison | Oct 26, 2022 | Starred, Features
If the 12-foot, black, hairy, man-like creature standing tall alongside Highway 515 just outside Cherry Log, Georgia, causes a double-take, it has done its job. Whipping the car around, hoping to find a parking spot, you accompany the crowd into Bigfoot Expedition:...
by Lissa Poirot | Oct 26, 2022 | Day Trips, Starred
I remember very clearly my first impression of Marietta. I had moved to Vinings from Boston in the late 90s and took a job in Kennesaw, so at one point, I found myself on Cobb Parkway when a giant chicken with moving eyes loomed before me. I remember asking my...
by Bre Humphries | Oct 26, 2022 | Cabin Corner, Starred
There’s a long-held secret in the foothills of North Georgia, and only those in the know are lucky enough to experience it. Once known to the Native Americans as “The Enchanted Land,” the community of Big Canoe was first developed in the early 1970s. In 1997, The Big...
by Chloe Carver | Oct 18, 2022 | Features, Starred
LEGEND HAS IT that our very own Tallulah Falls, located on the county line between Rabun and Habersham counties, was long known as the “Niagara of the South.” Locals and tourists would flock to see the falls, comprised of six waterfalls cascading through the nearly...
by Bre Humphries | Oct 18, 2022 | Vines & Hops, Starred
Blink and you might miss the sign for Feather’s Edge Vineyard on the side of Hwy 5 just north of Downtown Ball Ground. In the beginning, it might have been an unplanned pitstop en route to North Georgia’s bigger tourist towns. But today? This secluded spot boasts...
by Lissa Poirot | Oct 18, 2022 | Starred, Features
As summer draws to an end and fall creeps into North Georgia, the changing leaves, cooler air and harvest season is so welcomed in the mountains that we wouldn’t blame you for setting out autumn and Halloween décor the day after Labor Day. If you’ve been eagerly...
by Lissa Poirot | Oct 2, 2022 | Features, Starred
SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME, there has been a desire to understand the mysteries of life and death, creating a strong belief that ghosts, goblins and ghouls could very well be real. Ancient rituals and superstitions morphed into legends and continue to exist in...
by Julie Hostetter | Oct 1, 2022 | Destinations, Starred
I was a child of the ’80s, and, as such, Han Solo was my first love, and Princess Leia was a much-needed female role model of strength and courage. I cuddled with my “Wicket” plush Ewok doll, considered by some as the Jar Jar Binks of his time, and quoted Yoda movie...
by Judy Garrison | Oct 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
Limiting the best of Athens to five things is an inconceivable task. As the birthplace of higher education, Athens rises on the shoulders of the University of Georgia and remains stalwart through the love of its locals. Simply, perfection’s address remains the Classic...
by Brittany Dean | Oct 1, 2022 | Destinations, Day Trips, Starred
As my husband and I took off along the Blue Ridge Parkway in western North Carolina, heading towards Mount Mitchell State Park, the scenic drive was so captivating that little words were exchanged between us. We were both enthralled with the natural beauty surrounding...
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