by Judy Garrison | Sep 19, 2021 | Features, Starred
Who hasn’t made a u-turn at the sight of bubbly boiling peanuts in a black cauldron or baskets of fresh peaches or jars of jams? Around every highway turn, scribbled homemade signs of “Best Tomatoes” or “Homemade Jams” signal quality advice to the traveler, enticing a...
by Judy Garrison | Sep 19, 2021 | Starred, Features
The 19th-century necessity of traversing rivers as well as protecting bridge trusses and decking from the elements with a wooden covering is today one of the most sought-after relics of history. Built mainly from wood due to its abundance, the covering served to make...
by Guest Post | Sep 19, 2021 | Features, Starred
A COLD, WET NOSE NUDGES YOU AWAKE first thing in the morning and a wagging tail welcomes you home after a long day at work. Your quality time entails long walks together and ventures to local parks for playtime. Furry snuggles offer comfort and companionship, wanting...
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