World of Illumination, the world’s largest drive-through animated light show, has opened its brand-new holiday theme park called Candy Rush. Located at Six Flags White Water in Marietta, the Christmas and candy-themed attraction features millions of lights that are fully synchronized to popular holiday music.
In addition to the RGB LED lights, Candy Rush also showcases hundreds of animated displays. One such display — a 40-foot tall trio of candy canes — is the largest candy-cane structure in the world.
Candy Rush also showcases a 500-foot long tunnel that doubles as Santa’s magic portal, a gingerbread village, sugar plum fairies and lit-up treats as far as the eye can see. Additionally, it will feature the season’s most beloved Christmas characters along with a magical 3D component and simulated snowfall.
World of Illumination’s new holiday theme park is uniquely COVID-friendly, as visitors can enjoy the shows from the safety and comfort of their cars. Online reservations are also required, making the experience totally touchless and socially safe, while simultaneously controlling traffic to decrease waiting times.
World of Illumination’s Candy Rush is open nightly from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., 7 days a week, including holidays. The show runs through January 3, 2021. Ticket prices start at $35 plus applicable taxes and fees per vehicle on weeknights and $45 plus taxes and fees per car on weekends and holidays. A portion of proceeds benefits the Make-A-Wish Georgia Foundation.
Tickets are available for purchase at