Let us take you back to the age of kings and queens, wizards and feys, knights and fair damsels, and magic galore. The second annual Lavonia Renaissance Festival will be May 1, 2021, at the Lavonia Memorial Park. The 2020 festival had to cancel due to the scourge of the Covid dragon. This year’s events will be more exciting and fun than ever. We have a “Birds of Prey” show coming, a Firebreather who walks on a bed of nails, and there will be even more wonderful animals in our menagerie. Authentic entertainment will be performed by Lavonia’s own “Savannah River Productions”. Vendors with their handmade wares will abound. The Festival will open from 10 AM – 5: PM. Prices are $10 for adults, $5 for students, and free for small children. Free Parking.
When: Sunday, December 15, 2024 @ 12:00 am
Enchanted Woodland Trails: Fairy Houses & Gnome Homes
As the chill air stirs and trees lose their leaves, fairies and gnomes make their journey south and build whimsical winter homes across the grounds of the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell. chattnaturecenter.org